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RUSTY PICKUPS strike gold on their first single 'Rattle In My Heart'

Happy Release day to countrified killer 4 piece that is Rusty Pickups, whose new single Rattle In My Heart sees the light of day - today. Go to:

and have more than one listen because it marks a new sonic path for the band. This first single marks a new shift in the band's sound, tapping into a more traditional down home classic country sound with splashes of river boat keys, melodic banjo, rolling bass, and the warmth of the acoustic guitar marrying with warn classic story telling and vocals. “Rattle In My Heart” is a rollicking tune written on the heels of a rampaging tantrum from lead singer Cookie’s daughter, way back in 2016. “Ramblin’ Yonder” the b-side to this first single, showcases the more traditional, country stylings of the band, which will be on display in full force at the Tamworth Country Music Festival from Jan 16-20. If you are in the area go check this band out as they present the other killer songs that will be on their forthcoming album released later in 2023.


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